Taproom Info
Our retail and taproom hours: Tues - 12-8pm Wed - 12-8pm Thurs- 12-9pm Fri-Sat- 12-11pm Sun- 12-6pm Kyle's Fried Chicken and BBQ open Tuesday- Saturday Pizza Pop-Up- Sunday 12-5 or sold out |
Current Draught Lineup:
Upcoming Events:
Sept 11- Sip N' Pour with Ellie 6pm
Sept 19- Pottery N' Pints 615pm- tickets on our website
Sept 24- Pages N' Pints- 6pm (kitchen closed at 6) "The Teacher" by Frieda McFadden
London's Next Best Comic Search
- every Wednesday starting Sept 11th at 830pm. Tickets on event brite- 19+ events